Police forces in India are the State Machinery bearing the power to protect and uphold law and order among citizens by prevention and investigation of crime.
The Police Act, 1861 is the legislation that organizes the police force.
It defines the boundaries of their actions, the hierarchy in power and the overall structure of the department.
The Act clarifies the tasks and duties of a ranking officer in the force with their jurisdiction and boundaries.
According to the Police Act, 1861 mandates the State Government to establish a formally enrolled police force with officers and men organized as per specifications.
It is responsible for overlooking the functioning of the police, but no individual or organization empowered by the State Government can seize police functionality in their favour.
The Inspector-General of Police undertakes the local administration and law enforcement in a police district.
The Inspector-Generals may transfer or reorganize Police officers of inferior ranks as and when necessary.
They hold power to dismiss or penalize police officers for acts of misconduct or negligence. Such actions may arise suspension, withholding payments or removal from office.
The Act enlists the responsibilities and requirements of a police officer while in office.
Any incumbent officer cannot resign without a two months’ notice. They cannot engage in any other form of business or employment, other than the duties specified by the Act.
Inspector-Generals and subordinate officers have the authority to implement rules and regulations and specify how and where additional services are required while working with the State Government.
They can deploy extra men and render services of the Police force at commercial workplaces in case of upheavals or apprehensive behaviour.
The Police Act, 1861 illustrates the proceedings in hostile situations. It elucidates how the police force and the State Government must respond.
The Act entitles the victims to compensation or monetary relief.
There are also provisions for the deployment of specialized officers to control unlawful gatherings and riots. The Magistrate must undertake all formal decisions involved and forward clear instructions and orders.
Police Officers can serve any part of their jurisdiction. They must not carry out any act superseding their official duties. A warrant from the Magistrate’s office should accompany any act of apprehension or arrest.
However, they have the authority to inspect disorderly places, handle unclaimed property and apprehend people of hostile behaviour without am immediate warrant.
Their objective must be to maintain harmony in the society and investigate any illicit activities or disturbing situations.
The Police Act, 1861 specifies the procedure a ranking officer must abide by when they resign or leave.
It also enlists the appropriate punishments that follow acts of negligence, misconduct or abstinence from duties without reasonable grounds.
The Act provides grounds and pointers for immediate justice a police officer can undertake for unlawful activities on-road or violent gatherings.
These may include drunken driving, animal cruelty or any liabilities to public safety.
The Police Act, 1861 defines the jurisdiction of all ranking officers and the punishment levied on illegal activities.
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