Acquire info regarding Police Act 1861 from here

Acquire Info Regarding Police Act, 1861 From Here

Police forces in India are the State Machinery bearing the power to protect and uphold law and order among citizens...
What is the Domestic Violence Act, 2005?

What is the Domestic Violence Act, 2005?

Domestic Violence includes any act of harm or abuse to the life, health, and social security of a woman by...
How can a lawyer help you in annulment

How Can a Lawyer Help You in Annulment?

Annulment of marriage is the legal act of nullifying the marriage certificate of a couple as an alternative to divorce...
शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम

शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम क्या हैं?

इस बात से कोई दो राएं नहीं हैं कि किसी भी राष्ट्र की उन्नति मे शिक्षा एक बहुत बड़ी भूमिका...
Right to Education Act

Right to Education Act

Right to Education Act was implemented by the Government of India on 4 August 2009 to illustrate the importance of...
भारतीय नागरिक के 11 मौलिक कर्तव्य क्या हैं?

भारतीय नागरिक के 11 मौलिक कर्तव्य क्या हैं?

जिस तरह से भारतीय नागरिकों को विशेष अधिकार दिए गए हैं। उसी प्रकार हर भारतीय नागरिक के लिए कुछ कर्तव्य...
बच्चे की कस्टडी

भारत में तलाक के बाद बाल कस्टडी किसे कहते हैं?

वैसे तो भारत में “कस्टडी” शब्द का मतलब “हिरासत” ही समझा जाता हैं। लेकिन जब बच्चे की कस्टडी का मामला...
What is Tax in India?

What is Tax in India?

Taxes are the government's constitutional approach to collect money from taxpayers in return for public infrastructure and national expenditure. The...
Eleven Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens

Eleven Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizens

The Indian Constitution is the most prominent documentation in the country. The Constitution's scope stretches beyond its pages, institutionalizing the...